
Tracy【2019年 10月】







来到教会后,我们感受着主内大家庭的爱,认识了耶稣是怎样的一位神,圣经是怎样一部神奇的真理之书,我们这些罪人是如何背离造物主,上帝是如何爱我们,用牺牲祂独生儿子生命的方式来拯救我们……奇妙的是,轩轩特别喜欢去教会,每到周五晚上的团契查经时间和周日的礼拜时间都是她督促我们,提醒我们不要迟到。通过一段时间的学习和寻求,我们真正认识到:上帝是创造宇宙万物、掌控天地万有的主,是独一的真神;耶稣基督为我们的罪死在了十字架上,并在第三天从死里复活;祂是我们一生的救主,我们要紧紧地跟随祂、信靠祂。圣经说,“你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为祂顾念你们。” [彼得前书 5:7]  “应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。神所赐出人意外的平安必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。” [腓立比书 4:6-7]  我们的神是赐平安的神,也是信实的神,祂的作为奇妙无比!自从信靠了耶稣,在教养轩轩的过程中,神给了我很多安慰和盼望,以前的焦虑、担心在逐步减少。每当软弱的时候,信实的神就给我安慰和信心。记得有一次我们教会刚开始学习查考罗马书,在谈到信心的时候,我想到轩轩的情况,担忧再次涌上心头,眼泪在眼眶里打转,就在这时,一束金色的亮光照射在我手里拿着的稿件上,很清晰,我明白这是永活信实的神给我的亮光,是祂在安慰我,加添我的信心。诗篇94篇19节说,“我心里多忧多疑,你安慰我,就使我欢乐。”诗篇23篇4节说,“我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为你与我同在,你的杖、你的竿都安慰我。” 从那以后,我对轩轩的未来担忧就真的放下了。

感恩上帝赐给我们各样的福分和丰富的供应!我们知道轩轩的成长还需要我们一起陪伴,也可能会面临更多的挑战,但“我们晓得万事都互相效力、叫爱神的人得益处、就是按祂旨意被召的人。”[罗马 8:28] 我们一起受洗成为基督徒以后,积极参加信心造就和门徒训练课程,并热心地参与到教会的各项活动与事工中。尤其令人欣慰的是,轩轩每天都在如饥似渴地学习神的话语!今年年初,她给自己制定了读经计划:每三个月听一遍圣经,一年读一遍圣经,而且一直坚守实施这个计划,喜欢读中文圣经,读经过程中经常会遇到不理解的词语,她都会自己在网上查看解释并摘抄在本子上,遇到特别感动的经文还会分享在我们的几个微信群里,这所有的一切都是出于她的自愿。对一个青少年来说,能这样认真学习神的话语,唯有圣灵的带领。从去年开始她成了福音班的小小书记员,每周五晚上福音班的查经学习内容和周日的主日讲道内容,她基本上都能把关键信息记录下来并分享到群里。我们都很惊讶,神竟赐给了她快速做电子笔记的恩赐。

几乎每天临睡前,我们全家一起祷告,祈求上帝帮助她去掉她心中的惧怕。约翰一书4章18-19节讲到,“爱里没有惧怕;爱既完全,就把惧怕除去。因为惧怕里含着刑罚,惧怕的人在爱里未得完全。我们爱,因为神先爱我们。” 她以前不敢独自在她的房间睡觉,必须陪伴到她入睡才能离开,每到半夜就会因为害怕而跑来我们的房间。为了避免她的恐惧、影响她的睡眠,我们只好在房间安放了一张小床让她睡。但从去年下半年开始我们感觉她有进步,入睡不再需要我的陪伴,祷告以后就可以离开,有时她睡觉的时候我们不在家,她也可以独自上床睡觉。但当我们多次提起让她回自己房间睡觉时,一直没有答应。很奇妙的是,今年暑期,我们教会有一家弟兄姊妹因交房期未到而暂时住在了我家,他们有个与轩轩同龄的小女儿,轩轩则跟她一起很合得来,两人常有交流。这样,两家人住在一起,非常和谐,其乐融融!就在七月份的一天,我们向轩轩再次提醒到她自己的房间单独睡时,她竟乐意地答应了!现在她的睡眠不再困扰我们了。到这时我们才明白过来:神是藉着我们主内弟兄姊妹之间的彼此扶助、彼此相爱而祝福我们,祝福轩轩!感谢赞美神!





我们的轩轩是神拣选的儿女,我们真是倍感欣慰!诗篇121篇7-8节说,“耶和华必使你免受灾害,保护你的性命。不论你出或入,耶和华都会保护你,从现在直到永远。” 每当我们读到这两节经文时,想起轩轩四次逃过死亡的经历,不禁对神心存无限地感恩!我们的神早就在看顾她!如果不是神对她的爱,不是圣灵作工,出生才几个小时的她,怎么能够发出那求救的眼神!怎么可能保守她那严重缺氧的大脑能够康复成现在这样好!是她的神,一次又一次地拯救了她的生命!过去,我们在国内一年到头、一天到晚地忙忙碌碌,一直认为是靠着自己的能力和辛勤努力才拥有今天的生活,若不是神带领我们来美国,哪有机会认识我们的神,得着这莫大的福分!因着神的恩典,轩轩在美国受到老师和朋友们的爱护,享受上好的医疗资源和特殊教育资源,这些在国内根本想也不敢想!




Testimony from Minister Gao


Isaiah 55:9 New International Version (NIV) 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

A surprise phone call

January 25th 2016 was an unforgettable day in my life. My wife was in her 3rd trimester. On that day at noon, she was resting in her bed as usual, carefully protecting the baby in her womb. A sudden phone call came, I hurried to pick it up so that it would not affect my resting wife.

It was a nurse from our OB/GYN doctor. She told me that the doctor had an important message for me. Clouded with lots of questions, I was nervous and frightened. This doctor is a Christian, many of my classmates from the seminary had been under his care and delivered many healthy babies, but this busy doctor rarely called patients.

Why is he calling me? I held my breath and couldn’t stop thinking about all kinds of scenarios. After hearing some footsteps, a calm and peaceful elderly voice came from the other side of the phone. I restlessly asked him, “Is there something serious you want to tell me, doctor?” “The result of your wife’s blood test came back. It showed that your baby had three copies of chromosome 21.”

A long pause came after that announcement, he probably sensed my confusion since I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about; he continued “that means your daughter will likely be born with Down syndrome”.
I was in disbelief after learning all this. I tried to hold my emotion and asked him calmly, “you are saying that she’s likely to have Down syndrome but there is a chance she won’t, correct?” He replied affirmatively “this blood test is highly accurate, the probability is as high as 99.8%”.

I thanked him politely and hung up. After this heart ranching conversation, my thoughts suddenly went back to two days ago on the previous Saturday, when I was at the wedding of my classmate’s daughter. I saw my friend walking her daughter down the aisle, handing her hand to her future husband, with all the happiness and joy on their faces. I also remembered at the wedding reception, my friend was dancing with her daughter and everyone at the dinner could feel how happy they were.

I remembered at that moment, I was imaging one day I would be doing the same as my friend, with my soon coming daughter. One day, I would also be handing her hand to her God chosen half, and I would be dancing with her at her wedding reception.
But my dream was broken into pieces with this phone call. I could not handle the pain myself so I woke up my resting wife to tell her the shocking news. We had no words for each other for a very long time. We both needed time to process this news, we both needed time to cry in front of Jesus.

I have never met anyone with Down syndrome in China, so I had very limited knowledge about it. I started to search online about related signs and symptoms. When I found out that it can also cause heart defects, dis-formed digestive systems, epilepsy, leukemia… my body started shaking and I could not stop crying. I could not endure my child suffering so much, and I asked the Lord to please remove this disease away from my child, please give me a healthy baby, I would do anything, anything if He could just take this away from her.

For most of the 2016 my wife and I lived in constant tears and prayers. Though we received many suggestion about abortion we believed whatPsalm 127:3 says “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.”
We had become Christian for more than 10 years, we have been through His faithfulness and love, He has given us all kinds of blessings, so we know that as long as we hold His hand tightly, He will guide us through all the darkness and storms.

“The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” Exodus 4:11

The birth of Faith

On May 1st 2016, our precious daughter was finally here. Even though we were still hoping that the 0.02% chance of having a healthy baby, hoping for a miracle, but I prayed to God before the surgery that I will always be thankful for this precious gift that He gave me and I will love this child for all I can. I also told my wife that I will love her and take care of them no matter what happens. God will provide all we need.

When I first saw Faith, I immediately realized that she’s got Down syndrome. But my heart was filled with peace. I know she is not a mistake; she is indeed a previous gift from God. She was given to me because God knows that I will take very good care of her.

When I gazed at this little angel, I thought of a prayer from one of my professors in seminary. He prayed that I will realize one day that this baby with Down syndrome is not a test, she is a blessing for me. This gave me full of hope, but also confusion at the same time.

We named her Faith because we know that parenting this baby will be a challenging task, there will be so many uncertainties and we need lots of lots of faith from God.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

A blessing in disguise

Faith is 3 years old now. She is an outgoing, happy child. Everyone loves her in our church. Although we’ve been through a lot of challenges in the past 3 years, those are nothing compare to what we received from God. He has faithfully provided all we needed, through the support and encouragement of our church’s brothers and sisters. Because of Faith, we learned what it looks like to have simple faith in life. Because of Faith, we learned that life itself is a miracle. It took her longer than average baby to learn to flip over, to walk and to talk, but every little step that seemed simple and normal to others, she helped us realized how delicate God’s design is in that. Because of Faith, we understood what Jesus means to have pure faith and joy like a child.

God counseled us through parenting Faith. It helped me learn to care, to feel other’s pain, their helpless and hopeless. Most importantly, God taught me how to use His counsel for me, to counsel others who are in need, the most important element I need to become a pastor of a church. We still have a long road ahead of us, but I know that Faith is a blessing in disguise. We will continue to be molded and to be used by God because of her.
